Friday 26 March 2010

Chocolate Tart with kirsch cherrys,
candied rose petals, cherry cooli and sugar basket

Chocolate Pastry

200g plain flour

110g butter, cubed and slightly softened

60g icing sugar, sifted

70g coco powder

pinch of salt

3 egg yolks, room temp

sieve powdered ingreidents in a bowl, add diced butter and crumb togeather now add egg yolks and bring togeather. clingfilm and rest in the fridge for 1 hour. place in as many tart tins you can get out of it (individual or one big one) 180c blind bake for 8-10 mins then remove beans and repeat this.


3 eggs
4 egg yolks
175g caster suger
375g dark chocolate
250g butter

melt chocolate and butter in a heat proof bowl on a pan of hot water(water not touching bowl) but not boling 4-6 mins, stir once or twice. whilst you are meting the chocolate, whisk eggs, yolks and sugar togeather until pale 4-5mins, when done fold the chocolate into the egg mix. now pour into hot tart cases and bake for 15-20 mins they should be a slight wobble in the middle when done, when done cool to room temp.

Kirsch cherrys

1 comment:

  1. you could just have it, with kirsch cherrys and ice cream if you wanted.
